A |
Title |
Definition |
Adult style | refers to being the guide, making yourself interesting, encouraging eye contact, reducing prompting and having confidence | |
Affect | The emotion that leads the interaction | |
Attunement | The sharing of attention when you are both entirely focused on each other. Emotions are attuned with each other. | |
B |
Title |
Definition |
Being the guide | Knowing what to ignore and what to pay attention to - knowing what the child is interested in and being able to move it forward. Being the guide means "thinking on your feet" | |
D |
Title |
Definition |
Dark alley | Analogy used to explain how children with autism may be feeling anxious | |
E |
Title |
Definition |
Engaged | Anytime when the child is interacting and responding. | |
Engagement | The backwards and forwards interacting and responding of two people | |
I |
Title |
Definition |
Imitation | Observing someone else act in a certain way and then using that observation to try it out | |
Interaction | Another word for engagement. Two or more people are communicating verbally or non verbally | |
Intonation | The stress that is placed on words to help make their meaning clearer | |
J |
Title |
Definition |
Jim Sinclair | An adult with Autism - google "Don't mourn for us." | |
Joint attention | Two people share attention with each other and something else, purely for a social reason | |
M |
Title |
Definition |
Making yourself Interesting | Exaggerating body language and intonation, using emotion | |
Memory catchphrase | Like an advertising jingle, that reminds you of something. Used here to remind of joyful interaction | |
P |
Title |
Definition |
Pattern | A repeated set of actions | |
S |
Title |
Definition |
Same same and change seesaw | A way of examining each of our daily situations | |
Shared attention | Two people look at each other to share eye gaze, smiles, laughter and gestures | |
Social motivation | Wanting to be with people | |
T |
Title |
Definition |
Thinking on your feet | Looking for where the next pattern will come from and deciding what part you will take and what part the child will take | |
V |
Title |
Definition |
Variation | Slight changes to the pattern | |
Vocalisations | The sounds that people make that often come before words are used |
Find descriptions of some of the words and phrases used throughout the site related to the Autism spectrum and the Way to Play workshop.